Vol. 16 (2005)

The title page

Volume 16 of the Journal Terminology Science and Research contains papers submitted to the editorial board by speakers at the TAMA conference, organized by TermNet in Cologne, December 2004. The title of the conference was Terminology in Advanced Management Applications. 7th International Conference on Multilingual Knowledge and Technology Transfer. The focal points of the conference and the preceding workshop were terminology for electronic applications as well as future-directed aspects of mobility: scalability, methodology, and global design.

Editorial Board:

Gerhard Budin Universität Wien
Christer Laurén Vasa universitet
Heribert Picht Handelshøjskolen i København
Nina Pilke Vasa universitet
Margaret Rogers University of Surrey
Birthe Toft Syddansk Universitet


Nina Pilke
Birthe Toft

This issue was digitised and added to the platform by Juliana Hulkkonen in 2023.

Published: 2023-05-04