Vol. 25 (2015)

The title page

This volume of the Journal Terminology Science and Research contains three papers presented at the conference “Language and Law – Theoretical and practical approaches” (2014). In addition, this volume contains one joint article on issues of "the JurDist programme" and its content and focus.

Editorial Board:
Johan Myking University of Bergen
Gerhard Budin University of Vienna
Niina Nissilä University of Vaasa
Margaret Rogers University of Surrey
Nina Pilke University of Vaasa
Oivin Andersen University of Bergen

Marita Kristiansen NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Gisle Andersen NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Guest Editor:
Ingrid Simonnæs NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Publisher: International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF)
This issue was digitised and added to the platform by Juliana Hulkkonen in 2023. 


Publié-e: 2023-05-04